Healing Arts Network is not making any recommendation about particular types of practices or specific practitioners. The information published here was given to us by the practitioners who may pay a fee to us for their listing. It is your responsibility, as with any personal service, to evaluate the qualifications of the practitioners. You may want to ask for references and/or meet with the practitioner to evaluate your reaction to the person and discuss what he/she has to say about how they can help you, as well as to discuss costs and duration of services.
Choose State: |CT| |DE| |FL| |GA| |NC| |SC| |MA| |MD| |ME| |NC| | NJ| |NY| |PA| |VA| |VT| |Washington DC| |WV|
Michael Kheyfets
Stamford CT 06901
(203) 829-4081
Email: reiki@thereiki.com
Michael Kheyfets is Certified Reiki Practitioner and Member of International Association of Reiki Professionals. He offers healing sessions and consultations. Activate Your Body Healing Power. Enjoy the Natural Way to Better Health.
Linda Paul
82 Packer Rd
Mystic Connecticut 06355
Angelquest is a gathering place for the spiritually minded. We provide holistic health services including Reiki,
Reflexology, Therapeutic massage, and many other modalities. We also offer classes ranging in content from Angels to Zen. Tarot, Angel, and Fairy card readings are also available.
Please stop by and walk the labyrinth, and enjoy tea and conversation. We are open Tues-Sat. 11-6.
Martha Spruce
Hearts & Hands
72 Front St. Suite #15
Bath, ME 04530
(207) 443-5460
Email: heartsandhands@yahoo.com
We treat clients with Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Guided Imagery, and Spiritual Counseling. We also have a retail site at www.hearts-n-hands.com for those items of interest to the Native American and Holistic Communities. Please feel free to enter our free T-Shirt giveaway (no purchase necessary), and join our e-mail newsletter list for weekly newsletters on Holistic topics with original articles of interest.
Workshops for Reiki training, for all levels, are scheduled monthly. Please call for dates, times, and cost.
Deirdre J. Miller
SpiritLight at Home
PO Box 104
West Mystic CT 06388
SpiritLight offers a unique combination: gifts of a Medium using Spirit messages and Reiki – together or separately – distant or in person. While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion nor dependent upon belief. Neither is the practice of Mediumship. Both will work whether you believe in it or not, because higher realm communication and the energy of healing comes from our Creator. We discover our own individual guidance. The practitioner simply
provides the roadmap to find the way. We also have a monthly inspirational newsletter….to subscribe go to: http://www.spiritlighthome.com/Subscribe.html
Gigi Benanti Reiki Master
Angelic Healing Center
7 Morgan Ave.
Norwalk CT 06851
Angelic Healing Center since 1995. I have trained thousands. Reiki 1 the first Friday or Sat of the month ($110) learn self healing . Reiki 2 the last Friday Or Saturday of the month($210) Reiki Healing Circles (since 1996)for Reiki practitioners 1&3rd Tuesdays 7:30 PM I teach all level of Reiki .Call for dates for Reiki Master classes,
Karuna Reiki Classes. Private Reiki Healing Sessions $70. Call for appointment. Reiki Is wonderful and self-empowering.
Matthew F. O’Brien
433 Alder Avenue
Middletown Delaware 19709
I am a Reiki Master, Seichum Master, and Qi Gong practitioner. I have worked with energy for the past 5 years. I hold Reiki session with individuals in their homes. I work on balancing out the chakras as well as any physical pain one may have. I help people wanting to know more about the transformation of life, and finding that inner peace we all have inside of ourselves.
Call for an appointment I charge 35 dollars as session which last’s approx. 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
If no one answers please leave a message.
Reston Reiki and Self Healing Arts
Karuna Joy
Sunrise Valley Dr. and Barton Hill Rd.
Reston, VA 20191
Retreat Center in Florida
703-472-3481 Hours by Appointment
karunajoy1@gmail.com LINKED IN Facebook
Karuna Joy is a practitioner of the healing arts who helps to bring balance to people’s lives. Her clients are seeking many types of balance like: mental, spiritual and emotional, as well as peace and harmony. She practices distance and remote healing and teaches many types of healing arts classes. She has had many years of training herself in many different modalities, and many years in practice also. Each client draws the powerful energies which they need to suit their own situation and personality.
Client may experience some level of transformation as they proceed through a session and are open to the energies. Karuna Joy find it very inspiring to see clients transfer and share in the energetic process. Karuna Joy also is a musician and uses music as healing also. There are many types of healing arts instruments like: Tiebetan bowls, drums and even tuning forks that are often used in sessions. The sound may bring a deep meditation state forth, which allows for the releasing of old energy patterns.
- “I am doing really well, feeling very centered, energized and peaceful. The clearing was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for your teaching, guidance and healing.” – Valerie (Herndon, Virginia)
- “Thank you so so much for everything. I feel great. The blockage is gone and I feel free. Thank you thank you.” – R.W. (Sterling, Virginia)
Karuna Joy offers Sekhem All Love Reiki Healing Meditation Retreats of 10 and 12 days on the Gulf Coast of Florida, that include silent, movement, and sound healing meditation, heaing and awakening processes, guided visualization, live music, Yoga of Sound, Spiritual energetic activations, Ocean Initiation, Sunset Meditation, Bodywork, Breathwork, Dolphin Watching, as well as so many other meditation opportunities. She also offers training and guidance in facilitating All Love individual and group sessions to her students of Sekhem All Love Reiki.
Karuna Joy also offers a 8 Day Meditation Retreat, also on the ocean in central Florida, with similar activities as the All Love Retreats, yet sinking into more quiet deep meditation, especially the Sound of the Soul and Awareness Meditation Participants will enjoy lots of body work as well.
Find Karuna Joy’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Shamanism , Holistic Practitioners, Schools, HypnoCoaching, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Holistic Practitioners , Hypnosis, Pain Management, Akashic Records, Hypnosis Past Life, ThetaHealing, Crystals and Gems, Retreats and Healing Centers, IET®, EFT, SRT,RPT, Readings, Stress Management, Polarity Therapy, Sound Therapy, Events 10/13/22
Isabel B Caudle M.D.
7173 Sportsmans Drive
North Lauderdale, Florida 33068
(954) 249-8599
I am M.D & Usui
Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner, I combine Bach’s flowers therapy
and Reiki with excellent results, I am available to teach the 3 levels of
Reiki, certificates are provided, as well the manuals for each level. I do
Reiki therapy sessions too.
You can contact me by phone (954)249 8599 or by e-mail
in order to make an appointment.
Stacy Renz
Living Room Yoga
121 6th Avenue North
St. Petersburg Florida 33701
I am a professional yoga therapist
and occupational therapist who utilizes all the tools of yoga – meditation,
postures, breath work – to create a space for healing on the physical,
emotional, intellectual, energetic, and spiritual levels. I teach private
clients, small groups, and classes, including specialty classes, such as yoga
for menopause, depression, anxiety, low back pain, head/shoulder/neck tension,
body image, respiratory conditions, and stress reduction. I can see you at your
location or mine. I give a 10% discount for members of the whole health
network, including AARP members. See my website for my current schedule and
Terry Rogers
The Gainesville Center for Reiki Training
315 N.E. 10th St.
Gainesville Florida 32601
Usui Reiki Master Teacher in Gainesville,
FL. teaching all Levels of Usui Shiki Ryoho. I teach Reiki at Silver Lotus
Wellness Ctr. and also at the University of Florida
Offering free treatments in a monthly clinic, as well as free First Degree
training for all people living with HIV/AIDS.
Owner and founding Director of the Gainesville
Center for Reiki Training. Offering training and certification in all levels of
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki since 1997
Claudia Storms
The Southeastern Reiki Conservatory
355 Josephine St. NE
Atlanta Georgia 30307
Learn Reiki from Caleb and Claudia Storms in Atlanta,
Georgia. Learn how Reiki can change your life!
John Carroll
5572 Salem Road
Lithonia GA 30038
I am a registered Practitioner of Polarity Therapy. See my web site for more
information on this pioneering energy based therapy or at the American Polarity
Therapy Association. I also use cranial sacral therapy, Reiki, and trauma
resolution/unwinding techniques.
This work may change any condition by bringing energetic
balance to the body so that it can begin to heal itself. Even conditions which
appear to have few other typical choices may begin to have entirely different
Marie Kistner
Atlanta Polarity Healing Arts
2221 Peachtree Road
Atlanta Georgia 30309
In 1998 I moved to Atlanta, Georgia to continue working as a professional
therapist. I am a graduate of the Florida School of Massage, nationally
certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork, and an associate polarity
practitioner. I am also a level one reiki practitioner and certified in
Before attending FSM, I would spend my time volunteering with nonprofit
agencies. As a therapist I continue volunteering my skills in addition to my
professional practice with Elenora Lipton & Associates of the Atlanta Polarity
Center. As I continue my practice, I constantly aspire to enhance the art and
science of energywork and bodywork in my method.
Polarity does not focus specifically on relaxation, recovery or rejuvenation
…but allows a client to move through any one of these stages of wellness.
Polarity meets the client where they are and allows them the freedom to move
with grace and ease through various stages. This is why polarity therapy is so
easily integrated into a variety of health-building recourses.
Diane Webster
Martha Spruce
Hearts & Hands
72 Front St. Suite #15
Bath, ME 04530
(207) 443-5460
Email: heartsandhands@yahoo.com
We treat clients with Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Guided Imagery, and Spiritual Counseling. We also have a retail site at www.hearts-n-hands.com for those items of interest to the Native American and Holistic Communities. Please feel free to enter our free T-Shirt giveaway (no purchase necessary), and join our e-mail newsletter list for weekly newsletters on Holistic topics with original articles of interest.
Workshops for Reiki training, for all levels, are scheduled monthly. Please call for dates, times, and cost.
Kymeth-Eren Doyle, MSW
Indigo Light Health and Education Center
33 Hearn Rd.
Scarborough Maine 04074
207 885 9991
207 885 9991
Indigo Light was created to meet the need for alternatives to conventional, allopathic healing.
Services include: Reiki (Usui tradition), homeopathy, and flower essence work. Reiki Master Therapist.
Patricia’s goal is to help people help themselves to a healthier, more rewarding life. She is the owner of Starchaser Healing Arts and Starchaser Integrated Coaching and Energy Healing through which she offers sessions on Integrated Coaching, energy healing sessions, or both. She offers Classes, workshops and public speaking on personal growth and development, energy healing, shamanic practice and Aromatherapy. She works virtually and through several spas and centers in NW Washington,DC and southern MD.
Patricia is a certified coach, Reiki Master/Teacher in Eastern and Western Usui, Sekhem Seichim (SSR), Karuna and Gendai Reiki. She is also a Master/Instructor of IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, a ThetaHealing, Shamanism practitioner, a registered Professional Aromatherapist and a Meditation Instructor. Patricia teaches certification Classes in all of her healing modalities, conducts many short workshops and presentations on healing for practitioners and the general public (e.g., getting unstuck; work-life balance; getting in touch with inner awareness, Aromatherapy for energy work, meditative practice. She enjoys customizing presentations and workshops to meet the interests and needs of different groups of people, and she loves to Blog and make audio recordings.
“I liked the gentle yet firm assistance that Patricia provided when guiding me to/through revealing moments of self-discovery. It was amazing since I was not consciously aware of some things I was holding on to and needed to release. Also, I did not realize that a few coaching sessions would produce such pivotal results.”
– BV, Baltimore, MD
See more Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
Find Patricia’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Aromatherapy, Integrated Coaching, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Shamanism , ThetaHealing 4/4/17
Prudence B. Kestner
P.O. Box 385
Jefferson, MD 21755
E mail: ioptpbk@aol.com
Pru Kestner is a certified yoga teacher through the British Wheel of Yoga and the International Yoga Teachers Association since 1976. She combines her Reiki skills and other hands-on healing modalities with yoga therapy. Pru is well qualified to speak about, and teach, anatomy and physiology, as it relates to the teaching and practice of Yoga. Her philosophy of Yoga is summarized by the theme of Living Well in This World. Yoga classes are offered weekly, as well as individual therapy sessions, by appointment. Please contact Pru for more details. Reiki therapy can be practiced in person or through distance healing.
Pru is also, a Harner Method Certified Shamanic Counselor trained through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. The work that she does for a client includes divinations, Psychopomps (work with the spirits of the dead), healing extractions and soul and body part retrievals. Pru practices Shamanic Counseling in person and with distance work. Over the period of several therapy sessions with a client, the client is taught how to do the “Shamanic Journey” for him/herself. In teaching these basic Shamanic healing skills to the client Pru accomplishes her goal in the healing process, which is to give the client the skills that will allow them to move on independently on their path towards healing.
Jayne Boyle
Journey to Health
749 Dividing Creek Rd.
Arnold MD 21012
(410) 647-3524
Journey to Health offers Reiki, Iridology, Herbal consulting, Cranio-sacral and classes in Body, Mind and Spirit awareness.
2621 Homestead
Research Blvd
Rockville MD, 20850
Master Reiki Healer under Usui System Healing for the past 3 years. Mostly done free of charge unless have to meet the person and incur expenditure for the same. Distance healing also done. Photograph, name and address of the person requesting Reiki is required and could be sent by e-mail. Doing counseling and teaching meditation also.
Charmaine Christian
Sun Stone Healing Center of Maryland
2902 Harris Ave
Silver Spring Maryland 20902
301 946 5572
Reiki Master/Teacher offering reiki and crystal healing sessions and classes. Crystal energy is very much incorporated into Reiki practice. I have over 100 lbs. of crystal under my table. The crystal energy enhances the benefits of the Reiki energy.
Paul N. Dion
Thunder Healing
OldDana Farmstead
Barre MA 01005
978 337-5858
I provide a safe, private, and comfortable healing space. Enjoy a soothing and energetic Reiki session with music and aromatherapy components. Sliding Fee Scale and Barter Options. Also operate Metaphysical Shoppe with Gift
Inspirations, Personal Care Products, and Energetic Compliments for a Balanced Life.
Deborah Wilson
Path of the Healer Apprenticeship
72 Baker Rd.
Shutesbury MA 01072
Path of the Healer Apprenticeship
Cultivating Consciousness; Moving Mountains A nine-month training in Wholeness Energetics® with
Deborah P. Wilson. An Invitation; You know who you are. You are interested in mining the untapped resources of mind, consciousness, and human spirit. You want to learn techniques to heal yourself and others more effectively, promote health and vitality on all levels, and discover and correct root blockage to healing. You are ready to be and affect change, and to embrace your true power and magnificence. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to bring this unique program to you, to teach, support, and inspire healers and light workers of the world. In gratitude, Deborah.
Cultivating consciousness, Moving mountains Conceiving a course, both contemporary and timeless Modeled after traditional healing apprenticeships of old, and set in a modern context where mysticism and science converge, where ancient practices and technology partner, this apprentice program is perfect for practicing healers or those who wish to develop their healing skills. This program teaches techniques and tools to read and direct energy, to open to deeper levels of intuition, and to empower clients to heal themselves. We will learn how to expand our conscious awareness to awaken what is already ours, to reclaim natural states of health, vitality and creativity, and to realize our full potential. This apprenticeship is extremely experiential and is key to understanding the role consciousness plays in health and to being a more effective healer.
Cultivating consciousness for healing; There is a new paradigm emerging in the field of healing, with a growing body of research and information now available on the “biology of belief,” the body-mind connection and bio-energy medicine. The ancient healing arts of yoga, qigong and traditional Chinese medicine, which are becoming more common place in the West, were probably the first to introduce this culture to subtle energies and how to work with them for health and well-being. In his emerging paradigm, we begin with the understanding that our inner world, consciousness, is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world
will align itself and fall into place as a result. We all have the power and wisdom to make the changes we want; we all have innate healing abilities to heal ourselves and others.
Creating a culture of community; This intensive course is a nine-month journey of discovery, learning and sharing, which requires commitment on many levels and yet offers much more in return. When we each bring our trust and commitment to the circle, together we create community, sacred space and a supportive culture. Together, we can enjoy a rich and nourishing environment for our deep inner work and personal growth and for building true connection and intimacy.
Calling on Commitment and courage; Not for the faint of hear, this journey calls for courage and willingness to pen our minds and hearts, look at ourselves honestly, and likely have our world views turned upside down, maybe shattered. Ultimately the path of the healer is a inner journey taking us to the deep recesses of our being, leading us through initiations, trials and triumphs. It is by embarking on this inner journey, where others cannot accompany us, that we experience the miracles, healing and true power that flows from our connection to Source, from our oneness with all Life.
Nadsa de Monteiro
Nakri Healing Center
35 Kenwood Street
Dorchester MA 02124
Nakri Healing Center offers Reiki workshops, healing and Reiki share evenings for Reiki people to come together and pactice. We also offer Shamballa Reiki, craniosacral and palm therapies. Nakri Healing Center is a safe, sacred and beautiful space for healing, workshops and gatherings.
Rev. Joe Coffey
15 Pine Lane
Brookfield, MA 01506
Rev. Joe Coffey is an ordained Interfaith Minister , with an energy healing practice in central Massachusetts. He received direct knowledge of how to re-connect light energy pathways in the body to the ” Source of ALL “. Rev. Joe accepts people who seek spiritual counseling and understanding, at his lakeside cottage. He is a trained Reiki practitioner with certification in the Usui Reiki system. He performs interfaith weddings and spiritual ceremonies
for; same sex unions, baby naming and blessings, memorial services and energy cleansing for homes. Rev. Joe is available for talks and workshops about the core principals of all spiritual traditions. He also leads group
workshops and guided meditations.
Andrea Allen
P.O. Box 7054
Lowell MA 01852
Andrea is a multi-facetted Certified, intuitive healer/teacher and medium/physic. She offers valuable integrated services to facilitate your body’s own ability to heal it, treating the body as a whole. Andrea offers a variety of services which in clues Ear Coning, Tui Na Massage, Reiki, Shiatsu, Swedish massage, Mediumistic/Physic Readings as well to facilitate your personal growth and healing development.
Care Of Your Self
Terri French
800 Broadway Building
Haverhill MA 01832
Email coysreiki@greennet.net
Web site: www.greennet.net/clients/coysreiki
Terri French is a teacher and spiritual seeker with a profound enthusiasm for metaphysical adventures, spiritual growth, personal development and planetary healing. While teaching in special education for the past 16 years, she furthered her own evolution through Meditation, Yoga, reading and teaching Tarot, Fire Walking and practicing Reiki which has worked its own miracles in her personal, professional and spiritual transformation.
Terri has a B.S. Degree in Education and is a certified Reiki Master with The Center for Reiki Training in Southfield, Michigan and teaches all Reiki levels throughout the year. Reiki treatments, both hands on and distance, are available, performed by Reiki Master and Advanced Reiki Practitioners. Please contact Terri for more information on these services.
Susan Moore
Heart in Hand Healing Arts
50 Willow Run Dr.
Centerville MA 02632
I practice and teach Usui Reiki on beautiful Cape Cod. I have been a Master since 1997, and since then have received attunements in the Kava, Ma’heo’o, Sacred Moon and MariEL traditions. I am open to helping clients of all ages, and will also be happy to do distance sessions. I also work with pets.
Mary D’Alba
Malden, MA 02148
I am trained in different types of energy work – Reiki, Shamballa, and Magnified Healing. Spirit guides me in my work so each treatment is unique and special. My philosophy is I am here to serve you and Spirit so let’s work together to meet your goals. I am available for healings and instruction. I am also available for intuitive and psychic readings. Please feel free to call me with any questions you have. Namaste.
Lois Cunniff
Holistic Endeavors
35 Burroughs Rd.
North Reading, MA 01864
I am a Reiki Master Teacher with a background in Substance Abuse Counseling/Case Management. My vision
is to build a community of practitioners from all modalities, that are dedicated to working together to help bring about the ultimate healing of each individual. Services available at this time are: Reiki treatment at the rate for $35 per hour and $25 per half hour, willing to travel to your home or office (limited travel area). Reiki classes level
One, Two, and Master are also available, class size is limited. so we recommend your register early. All classes, Reiki Clinics and special events can be viewed on our website www.holistic.healingwell.com.
Deborah Preston
124 Beacon Street
Lowell MA 01850
I am a Reiki Master/Teacher of the Usui System of Natural Healing. I offer healing sessions and Reiki classes to children and adults in all levels of Reiki. I am a Certified Holistic Counselor in CORE™ counseling, a Melchizedek
Practitioner and a member of the Association of Alternative Therapists.
Paul N. Dion
Thunder Healing
Old Dana Farmstead
Barre MA 01005
978 337-5858
I provide a safe, private, and comfortable healing space. Enjoy a soothing and energetic Reiki session with music and aromatherapy components. Sliding Fee Scale and Barter Options. Also operate Metaphysical Shoppe with Gift
Inspirations, Personal Care Products, and Energetic Compliments for a Balanced Life.
Kathleen Horak
Allston MA 02134
I am a multi-modality healing facilitator located in Boston,MA. For the last several years I have been facilitating healings for clients throughout the Greater Boston area utilizing Reiki, Shamballa MDH, Essene Healing, and most recently Theta Healing and the Orion Technique. In addition to healing/teaching , I also perform DNA repair and DNA Activations bringing health, happiness and peace of mind to my clients who often state they feel more youthful and vital after a session. None of my fees are written in stone as I feel monetary compensation is decided better on an individual basis.
Jenna Fiorisi
Ambriels Song
5 Academy Street
New Paltz NY 12561
Namaste! As a naturally gifted intuitive, I discovered my gifts many years ago. Using what I have come to know as Therapeutic Touch, I would help sooth the aches and pains of friends and family members with the touch of my hands. After doing some research on the subject matter I came across information on Reiki. I knew intuitively that Reiki should be part of my life path. I found my teacher and received my first attunements and eventually became a certified Reiki Master Teacher. The gift of Reiki has allowed me to help many people and aid them on their path to healing and wholeness. Now as a teacher I have had many students who are seeking out a similar path to the one I walked upon many years ago. I offer many informative spiritual workshops and classes on a monthly basis at The Sanctuary in New Paltz!
Walter Michael Wolf
286 Corbin Place
Apt. # 1-B
Brooklyn NY 11235
Being a Reiki Practitioner since 1979 , I’ve learned one thing – there is never enough knowledge one can possess, that prevents him from learning more. It is a reason why I was initiated in Classical, Tibetan, Chinese/Tibetan
and Usui/Tibetan Reiki Healing Systems. It took me 27 years of every day practice to call myself Master and ask permission from above to teach others. Now, when I feel I am able to give, I do mainly distant healing sessions for cancer patients, patients with severe pain attacks, pet healing and also, professional practices and businesses healing, which is unique in nature and very constructive.
Rev. Hillary R. Raimo
108 Orlando Ave
Albany NY 12203
Hillary is a graduate of Lynn Andrews School of Sacred Arts and Training. She is also ordained minister through the SHES organization. Hillary focuses on using a combination of energy work and counseling with a strong connection to shamanic techniques to provide a healing environment for her clients. She is available for
scheduled one on one sessions or phone sessions. She is a Reiki Master Teacher in both Usui and Karuna reiki and has a extensive background in one on one study with native shamans.
Hillary takes great care to fuse together a program that includes ancient techniques as well as incorporating today’s modern needs to bring about a more balanced therapy. Her focus is on nondenominational spiritual counseling along with energy and body work, by using all areas of her specialty together in her sessions. illary works to bring balance to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. For more information, or to schedule a session with Rev. Hillary Raimo please call 518-376-2503
Cathy Woodside
88 Phelps St.
Lyons, N.Y. 14489
(315) 946-5325
Email: woodside@redsuspenders.com
Reiki Master – “Reiki means ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’. Esoterically, it conveys supernatural knowledge or spiritual consciousness, and the awareness of an ability to work within the greater knowledge. Ki means ‘energy’ and originally connoted a sense of air or atmosphere; that which pervades and surrounds. Ki is the life force, in its many variations. These two items combine as Reiki to embody the concept of a universal life force appropriate to healing- a spiritually guided, all enveloping energy of the body, soul, and spirit”. -Arnold & Nevius
Unique features of Reiki ethic:
- Reiki brings the body into harmony by relieving physical & emotional blockages.
Reiki heals the cause & eliminates the effects of the imbalance.
Reiki helps minimize your sense of hopelessness when facing dis-ease or the trauma of modern day society.
Reiki can be used in conjunction with standard medical procedures and religious beliefs without conflict.
Tina Anne Kiernan
Spirit Song Yoga and Healing
2355 Route 145 (Main St.)
East Durham, NY 12423
Email: spiritsongyoga@yahoo.com
Spirit Song offers a place of peace and learning through the gentle practice of yoga, shamanic energy work sessions and Reiki healing. I believe in the full integration of mind, body and spirit and in encouraging each individual
to follow his/her path in life. The blessings of Spirit are available to everyone!
Lumen Occulere/Gnosis Magick Supply
Woodstock NY 12498
(845) 340-0220
A Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui Shiki Ryoho method and ordained minister, I offer low-cost Reiki sessions,
spiritual and BodyMindSpirit counseling, and low-cost Reiki training in The Healing Room of my Woodstock, NY home. A vegetarian, environmentalist, and magickal practitioner, I also handcraft magickal powders, candles and
potions for ritual use and offer house blessing services through Lumen Occulere. I donate 10% of all Reiki earnings to charity. I also offer $10 tarot readings, teach classes in magick and tarot and own a magick supply shoppe in Woodstock. “In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, Transforming Darkness With Light and Love”
Debra Jeanne Snyder
The Reiki Place
55 Cooper Street, Apt 5G
New York, NY 10034
The Reiki Place …offering Reiki treatments and classes. Debra Jeanne Snyder is an independent Reiki
Master and traditional Reiki Teacher with 15 years of experience in the Usui System of Natural Healing.
Kate Flax
80 Sparkill Avenue
Tappan, NY 10983
Energy creates our bodies, our personalities, our lives that we live. We need only live them consciously to be all that we can be
and might want to be. Choose to balance your body’s energy and achieve overall well-being in your mind/body/spirit.
I am dedicated to helping you achieve the health and well-being, joy, and freedom you desire and deserve. Under my guidance your emotionally and/or physically stressed and perhaps chronically ill mind/body/spirit can resume knowing its own wisdom and self-healing abilities through non-invasive healing arts. Take this opportunity to empower yourself
through a gentle healing practice performed in privacy on a fully clothed patient. If each person’s body is a map reflecting life’s experiences, then the body is the life’s story, told without lies. Let me be the facilitator of consciousness for your mind/body/spirit. Kate Flax
Julia Tuchman
360 E 72nd St.
I work on clients in both Manhattan and Westchester county. My offices are allergen free for my clients who are
environmentally sensitive. No scents or chemicals are used. Experience the healing energy of reiki in a safe, peaceful environment.
Todd J, Cunningham
Universal Flow
847 Peaceful Valley Rd
North Creek NY 12853
888 879 8869
518 251 3714
The Universal Flow site is dedicated to helping individuals see and heal themselves. It contains descriptions and sources for professional, spiritual, hands on healing including; River of Life Therapy, True Readings, Conscious Language Systems, CranioSacral Therapy, Energy Healing, Crystal Energy Healing, Remote and Distance Healing, Aromatherapy and Massage.
Mark Morillo
2816 Morris Ave
Union NJ 07083
Reconnective Healing® – Experience a new level of energy healing that researchers worldwide believe is on the planet for the very first time. According to Dr William Tiller, Emeritus Professor of Materials Science at Stanford University, and star of the recent “What the Bleep” films, “Reconnective Healing is bringing it beyond what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information”. A person immersed in reconnective energy is experiencing more than a ‘fix-it’ job. They’re permeated with light; exchanging information in a ‘high-level’ conference with the universe. The proof of its effectiveness has been demonstrated clearly in practice and in science laboratories.
Offering Reconnective Healing®, Therapeutic Acupressure, Therapeutic Reiki and Distance Healing sessions. Please visit our website, above, and call or email for more information.
Ann M. Mort, LPN, Reiki Master/Teacher
721 Auth Ave
Oakhurst, NJ 07755
Sessions and Workshops also available in Bayville location
Ann Mort is a Reiki Master/Teacher. She is a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals and the American Holistic Nurse Association. Ann has been practicing the art of Reiki since 1999, and teaching Reiki since 2000. Her offices are located in Ocean and Bayville, NJ. Ann’s training and work experience include, advanced Reiki study and licensed practical nursing. She teaches monthly workshops and also sees clients for private sessions. Ann is also an Adjunct Instructor for the OC Massage Institute in Toms River. Ann is honored to assist others in their own self healing.
Dr. Patricia Gadesaud
Compassionate Healing & Counseling
728 Beach Avenue
Beachwood New Jersey 08722
732 773 8878
Dr. Gadesaud is an M.D. who practices Holistic Medicine.
She combines her Master REIKI skills and other hands-on-healing modalities with HYPNOTHERAPY, NLP, acupressure, cold laser therapy, as well as SPIRITUAL HEALING.
She balances your entire energy system and clears your chakras, meridians, aura, painful or weak areas to bring about DEEP TRANSFORMATIONS AT ALL LEVELS OF MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.
Dr. Gadesaud is an ordained MINISTER and Certified Spiritual COUNSELOR who can truly help you find GUIDANCE and PEACE.
She offers various WORKSHOPS from Holistic Weight Management, Reiki training, vibrational and anti-aging therapies, to Spiritual Healing and group Hypnotherapy on a monthly basis.
Therapy can be performed and will be effective in person or through DISTANCE HEALING (PayPal payment accepted).
Suzanne Bird – INNERGIZE
29 Rt 34N, Ste 201
Colts Neck NJ 07722
Also see the listing under Reiki Training
INNERGIZE – The Relaxation Studio
Offering Eastern Energy Therapies for a busy Western World
Gift Certificates – Reiki Classes – Reiki Shares – JSJ Self-Help® Workshops
Enter a beautiful sanctuary to experience Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu® – gentle Eastern stress reduction techniques that recharge body, mind & spirit. Energy therapies transport you to the alpha state of calm, where your self-healing abilities come into play; a session is an effortless way to enter a meditative state. Choose either therapy, or let Suzanne use her intuition and combine them for a customized session to meet your needs. Results often include decreased stress, relief from pain, improved sleep and increased joy. Take the healing home with you – borrow a book or audio from the holistic library, and practice easy self-care to nurture you between sessions.
Suzanne Bird has studied various Western & Japanese Reiki techniques, and received her Master level from William Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. She is a member of the International Reiki Association, has a BA in Communications & Theater, along with a history of enduring stress in the Corporate world. Her passions include yoga, spending time in nature, acting, writing, and exploring the mind-body connection. Suzanne has seen “miracles” occur with energy therapy, & is committed to sharing the paths to self-healing with others.
Karen Post
North Jersey Feng Shui
24 Maple Lane
Wayne NJ 07470
Phone and Email: (973)835-3223/ email NJFengShui@aol.com
Karen Post has been studying the universal life energy for years. She has been a Reiki II practitioner since 1993, and is a certified Feng Shui practitioner, having studied Feng Shui for years, attending workshops and intensives, and receiving her certification from Feng Shui Designs in Nevada City, California.
Rosemarie Nadelen, R.N.
303B Washington Street
Boonton NJ 07005
Phone: (973)316-9048, (888)291-5497 PIN3491
Web page: www.ucando.com/w/wellspring.html
Rosemarie Nadelen is a Registered Nurse, who uses Shamanic Practices, dialogue and Energy Work with essential Oils in her practice.
Rosemarie has trained in a number of energy work modalities including Reiki, est, “Joshua Energy Therapy”,and “Young Living Essential Oils”. She has received extensive training over the past 12 years in advanced practices of core shamanism.
Rosemarie describes herself as having medical intuitive abilities. When she works hands-on with people she can often “see” symbolically what is behind the manifestation of the physical conditions and through dialogue and energy work the symptoms often disappear.
She works hand-on and at a distance using telephone and computer dialogue. Rosemarie reports success in relieving headaches via phone and by using essential oils on herself as she dialogues with people, sometimes using guided meditation and breathwork.
Eileen Foose, R.N.C., R.M.
Reiki Master
33 Gates Avenue
Warren NJ 07059
(908) 756-5616
Email: Foose@worldnet.att.net
Eileen is an accomplished registered nurse with over twenty-five years experience in the medical field. She also holds a certification as a Maternal Child Health nurse. During her medical career, she has developed a special expertise from her work with patients of breast cancer, post traumatic stress and historical trauma that has well prepared her for the role of Reiki Master and Teacher.
A Reiki Master honors a mutual commitment to personal growth between the practitioner and the client. This commitment will be self evident during your first session with Eileen. Eileen also offers classes in Reiki I,II, and III. What is a Reiki Session? Each Reiki session will last from one to one and a half hours, depending on individual need. No two sessions are exactly alike, even for the same person.
You will recline, fully clothed, on a comfortable table. A treatment will feel as though a wonderful glowing radiance is flowing through you and surrounding you. Reiki is sometimes referred to as a “massage of the soul”. You may experience a myriad of emotional states during this gentle therapy, yet an overall feeling of peace and relaxation is achieved. The practitioner will offer you the opportunity to rest in a deep state of meditation. Reiki can support your body’s natural ability to heal itself. It is a perfect adjunct to services provided by your other healthcare professionals. Sessions are by appointment only and are available for weekday evenings and Saturday mornings. You may set up an appointment with Eileen by calling (908) 756-5616.
Donna Marie Montano
382 Franklin Avenue
Nutley, New Jersey 07110
(973) 667-9850
I am a Reiki Master and a Karuna Reiki Master and utilize these techniques as well as many others from various cultures which I have studied over the past 30 years. I am available to teach but mainly my calling is to provide these techniques to clients.
In this regard sessions can effect clients on many levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and material. The pure clean and loving energy of the Universe is a most powerful source for good and can provide much needed relief for the ills of mankind.
Marianne Wichowski
15 Philips Mill Dr.
Middletown NJ 07748
Marianne is an energy worker, using a combination of Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Theraputic Touch and Magnified Healing, to assist in an individual’s healing, in the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical bodies. Currently, she is using her healing in the hospice setting.
Paula Orozco
Downtown Jersey City
201- 238-4375
I am a Certified Usui Reiki practitioner with a BA in Psychology. I am available for private Reiki sessions in NYC and Jersey City. I have hour and 1/2 hour treatments.
My sessions are reasonably priced. To make an appointment, please call 201- 238-4375.
I feel blessed to have Reiki in my life and enjoy any opportunities to share it!
Jeff Simonton
Vitamin Chi
3825-H Knickerbocker Pkwy
Durham, NC
We help people realize their
true human potential. Vitamin Chi promotes and teaches the ancient
self-healing art of Qigong (Chi Kung). Learn to conquer illness, reduce
stress and tap into your body’s own natural abilities! Visit us online for
class schedules, information or to schedule a private healing session.
Adawehi Healing Center
Smith Dairy Rd.
Columbus NC 28722
Jackie Woods’ Awareness Classes (available at Adawehi and via
the Internet) take you beyond the basic teachings of metaphysics to an
appreciation of the intricacies of how you and the higher realms of power
The classes include: Teachings that will stretch both your mind and your heart.
Meditations to support you on your growth journey.
Tools to aid you in applying your new truths to daily living.
Dream interpretation techniques.
This in-depth study is intended to catapult you from the mundane in your life to
all possibilities. As a support to your class lessons, intuitive energy work
sessions with Jackie are available for on-site students.
Jim Keller
Wellington Chi Gung
111 Wellington Rd.
Lancaster PA. 17603
717 392-2143
Jim teaches the health aspects of the Chinese Internal Movement Arts of Chi Gung,(Qi Gong), Tai Chi and Ba Gua. He specializes in Wu style Tai Chi because of its superior health properties and he also teaches the distinctive circle walking exercise of Ba Gua. Jim is also a Joint and Spinal Chi Gung instructor. Jim teaches regular public classes, workshops and private lessons in the Lancaster area. He also gives free demonstrations of the Chinese Internal Arts.
Kathleen Mari Mikusko
Crystal Clearing
6 School House Lane
Lititz PA 17543
I am a Reiki Master, Jo Rei practitioner, Priestess in the Spiritual Order of Melchizedek and an Adept Initiate in the Great White Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. I am continuing to develop the ability to be a full trance channel for Kwan Yin.
During a healing session, a pathway is opened for you to connect with the Ascended Masters and The Hierarchy of Light for you to gain a greater understanding & integration of higher energies and consciousness for your own healing. This connection is made through the Reiki System of healing which by its use of sacred symbols ensures a safe exchange of higher energies for both the channel and the receiver.
As a result, your true self is magnified, enabling you to see with Love all that you are and what needs to be healed. It is you who co-create with the Masters in your healing process. As the facilitator, I am able to hold the Sacred Space for you to connect with these Healers as you remember more of who you truly are. Through this understanding from a higher perspective, you will experience shifts in your emotional, physical, mental & spiritual awareness. You become empowered through the awareness that you are much more than your personality and physical body in this earth plane. You are infinitely Divine! I would be most honored to assist you on your Healing Journey.
I offer sessions in person, remotely and teach Reiki Classes.
Please contact me with questions and for more information. Thank you! Kathleen~
Rose Synder
1320 Stewart Street
Northampton, PA 18067 (Lehigh Valley Area)
Email: Rsn4875487@aol.com
Rose is certified and registered with the International Institute of Reflexology in St. Petersburg, Florida. She is also a Reiki practitioner (certified).
Rose is a healer focusing on the mind body spirit connection with her clients.
She is continuing studies in Metaphysics, Shiatsu and Healing Touch with an emphasis on Energy work.
Lori Jacobs
The Healing Path
Brodheadsville, PA 18322
My name is Lori Jacobs and I am a Naturopath; Herbalist; Energy Healer; and Reiki Master. I specialize in hard to cure autoimmune disorders such as fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue; hepatitis; arthritis or alopecia areata (patchy baldness or total loss of body hair). If you or a loved one has any of these illnesses and have been unable to find the relief and healing you deserve, please call me. My clients have done extremely well with herb al formulas and energy healing for the above mentioned diseases. I want your to get well again and enjoy life. Also, I have created a system so that the lay person can have healing energy at their disposal anytime they choose. So don’t give up on your health.
Chandra Nerbecki
592 Livezey St.
Philadelphia PA 19128
215 483 3782
I offer Reiki and Thai Yoga Bodywork/massage sessions. I also teach CHILDREN’S YOGA CLASSES AND birthday parties.
Nancy C. Barton
669 Juliette Avenue
Lancaster PA 17601
(717) 3949107
(717) 3949107
Nancy has earned the title of Reiki Master and continues to study and practice. She has worked with large and small animals, as well as with their human friends, using Reiki and Therapeutic Touch. Nancy’s passion for animals was realized when she became a veterinary nurse in 1980, traveling to Lancaster County dairy farms. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and still continues to teach part-time. Nancy shares her home with her husband, Chris, their daughter, Emily, three dogs, three cats, a rabbit, a parakeet and an assortment of fish.
Comments: I work strictly with animals that are experiencing stress, physical discomfort, fear or confusion. Some applications may include pre/post surgical support, reassurance during a move into a new home or environment, complementary treatment during the birth or death transitions
Theresa Gilberti
Central Pennsylvania Reiki
1802 Westfield Road
Harrisburg, PA 17112
(717) 412-7345
My name is Theresa and I have been Reiki attuned since 1997 and received the Master’s attunement in 2001. After apprenticeship for one-year, my husband Bill (also a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master)now offer classes for Reiki I and II.
My personal mission with regard to Reiki is to deliver and teach Reiki in traditional healthcare. I left a position as a Pharmaceutical/Medical Sales Representative to teach Reiki and bring a greater balance to patients and caregivers.
I am also an Ordained Minister with United Christian Fellowship. My academic background is an Honors Graduate of Penn State in Behavioral Sciences, a Bachelors of Holistic Ministries and a Ph.D. in Philsophy of Metaphysics with the American Institute of Holistic Theology in Birmingham, Alabama.
My husband Bill and I have done volunteer work at the local Humane Society giving Reiki to the sick and scared animals with much success in conjunction with aromatherapy, music therapy and traditional pharmaceuticals.
South Carolina
Jennifer A. Scarfato, Ph.D.
Kimah Healing Arts
Greenville, Sc
Jennifer Scarfato, PhD
graduated from Clayton College of Natural Health. She integrates
intuitive guidance and self awareness training to address the whole
individual. She uses food, nutrients, and Iridology as tools for health
balancing. Jennifer offers classes to help others transform old patterns
and provides practical tools and techniques for creating and
experiencing healthy lives.
Peggy Port
606 8th Avenue
Aynor SC 29511- 0369
Reiki Master, Massage Therapist, Healing
hima dalal
vitalenergywellness & rehab ctr
Columbia west Columbia
S.C. 29169
I am occupational therapist since 23 years, reiki grand master,
yoga teacher, ayuerveda nutrional counselor, personal fitness trainer ,
feng-shui practitioner, spiritual healer. I also do T.V. show, publication,
lectures, workshops.
Dr. John Fedina
220 Westgate Mall Dr. Suite 3
Spartanburg S.C. 29301
A Doctor of Chiropractic for 19 years, Dipolmate in Chiropractic
Sports Medicine, Fellow of Acupuncture Society of America, Reiki Master, Applied
Kin. Practitioner.
Victoria Catani – R.M.T. – C.Ht
The Wellness Garden
46 Contentment Lane
South Hero VT 05486
Victoria Catani is a Reiki Instructor at the Master level. Combining Traditional Usui and Tibetan Reiki, Victoria offers instruction and certification workshops throughout New England, in all levels. If you are interested in having Victoria conduct a workshop in your area, visit her web site for details on “hosting a reiki class” or email her at: reiki@thewellnessgarden.com.
Hypnosis, Reflexology, Healing and Reiki Classes & Sessions
Linked IN
Helen Bramow, MA,MHt, BCH, C.NLP
Board Certified Hypnotist
Health For Life, LLC
NGH Certified Instructor (CI)
IHF Certified Instructor
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certfied Reflexologist, IET® Master Instructor
Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Skype ID: habcwix 703-851-7954 HealthCoach095@gmail.com
LONG DISTANCE, SKYPE SESSIONS Leesburg and Purcellville www.Hypnosis-Virginia.com
Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis Read More!
- Helen Bramow, MA, MHt, BCH, C.NLP, CI is a Board Certified Hypnotist, transpersonal, MHt, trained by ARE and Atlantic University (MA in Transpersonal Studies, with a Specialization in Applied Spirituality from AU), specializing in ‘deep trance’ hypnosis as well as regular hypnosis.
- Helen Bramow is also a: Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Certified Instructor for: NGH and IET.
- She offers Hypnosis sessions for: Weight Loss Hypnosis,
- Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis, Hot Flashes , Sleep, Fertility Hypnosis, HypnoBirthing , Reiki Sessions, Past Life Hypnosis,
- Akashic Records, The Fertile Body Method Hypnosis, Stress Management and more.
- She also offers these: Reflexology Sessions, Zyto BioTechnology and the Ionic Cleanse® detox footbath
- She is also a Certified Reflexologist, offering Reflexology sessions.
- She also uses Aromatherapy (Essential Oils) and teaches self-hypnosis, mindfulness for relaxation, Meditation. Sessions can be held in either location, as can training classes.
- She offers certified Reiki, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy and Dowsing classes and are approved for Nursing CE’s in:
- NGH Certified Hypnosis (9 days), IHF Certified Hypnosis (5 Days and Skype available),
- Past Life Hypnosis ,
- Usui /Holy Fire® III Reiki, Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki, Sekhem Seichim Reiki (SSR) and
- Violet Flame Reiki,
- Dream WorkHealing with Crystals Class
- Reiki for Animals Class and more. She is also a Cert. Spiritual Dowser and teaches Dowsing classes hosts Spring Forest QiGong Groups and Reiki, IET Shares.
She is also a Master Instructor for Integrated Energy Therapy ( IET®) classes. Reiki, IET Shares ). IET® Classes include: IET Basic, Intermediate & Advanced .
IET Steps to Transformation Steps to Transformation Part I – Steps 1 thru 7, Steps to Transformation Part II – Steps 8 – 14 , IET for Pets, and IET Healing Angels of the Field
She has been a speaker for the Berkeley Springs, WV Festival of Lights, “The Art of Dowsing – The Power of the Pendulum” and the Pathways Convention in Bethesda, MD.
“Helen was great. She explained in great detail how hypnosis works. She’ll talk to you to understand what you’re actually looking for and she will come up with a plan that is best for you. I’ve been to a few sessions and it has worked wonders.
Thanks!” – DS, Shelby Township, MI
“Helen is nothing short of amazing. I always learn so much from her when I take one of her courses (i.e. Reiki/Energy healing) and when I was pregnant recently, I took her HypnoBirthing® course which helped build my confidence greatly to have an unmedicated homebirth. She understood me well and knew that I was strong enough to do it. Helen is insightful, kind, warm and one of few that you can tell truly does her job well and sincerely cares about others….” See More!
– KT, Fairfax, VA Wellness.comMy Profile
See More Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Coaching, Crystals and Gems Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Dream Work ThetaHealing HypnoBirthing® , Hypnosis – Fertility, Hypnosis, Natural Childbirth, Lightarian Programs Akashic Records, Hypnosis Virtual Gastric Band, Hypnosis Past Life, Detox Footbath, Reiki – Holy Fire & Karuna Reiki Master, Retreats and Healing Centers, Stress Management, Weight Loss, Zyto BioTechnology, Events, Reiki, IET Shares QiGong Groups
All Classes Approved for CEU’s
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network : Events
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network Articles: Hypnosis Articles 2/20
Style Requisite Beauty Salon
2715 Buford Rd. Richmond, VA, 23235
StlyleRequisiteBeauty.com – Monika Trevillian LINKED IN
Take Control of Your Life! Let your life, and, Let Yourself Blossom! and create the life YOU really want! I can assist you on your journey! Life is never as hard as it seems, and having Life Coach Sessions with a Certified Life Coach who understands and helps you along the way, can be really very helpful indeed. Let me help you to Design your Life and to discover your greatest self! I am your certified Personal Life Coach, an Energy Worker and I’m also trained and certified Usui Reiki II Practitioner. Enjoy a relaxing Reiki Session session as well as an informative and very supportive Life Coach session and destress Stress Management at the same time! In person sessions at Style Requisite Beauty Salon, and also Skype conferences available.
Find Monika’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Coaching, Energy Workers, Reiki USA Eastern, Stress Management 5/1/18
Reston Reiki and Self Healing Arts
Karuna Joy
Sunrise Valley Dr. and Barton Hill Rd.
Reston, VA 20191
Retreat Center in Florida
703-472-3481 Hours by Appointment
karunajoy1@gmail.com LINKED IN Facebook
Karuna Joy is a practitioner of the healing arts who helps to bring balance to people’s lives. Her clients are seeking many types of balance like: mental, spiritual and emotional, as well as peace and harmony. She practices distance and remote healing and teaches many types of healing arts classes. She has had many years of training herself in many different modalities, and many years in practice also. Each client draws the powerful energies which they need to suit their own situation and personality.
Client may experience some level of transformation as they proceed through a session and are open to the energies. Karuna Joy find it very inspiring to see clients transfer and share in the energetic process. Karuna Joy also is a musician and uses music as healing also. There are many types of healing arts instruments like: Tiebetan bowls, drums and even tuning forks that are often used in sessions. The sound may bring a deep meditation state forth, which allows for the releasing of old energy patterns.
- “I am doing really well, feeling very centered, energized and peaceful. The clearing was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for your teaching, guidance and healing.” – Valerie (Herndon, Virginia)
- “Thank you so so much for everything. I feel great. The blockage is gone and I feel free. Thank you thank you.” – R.W. (Sterling, Virginia)

Karuna Joy also offers a 8 Day Meditation Retreat Retreats and Healing Centers, also on the ocean in central Florida, with similar activities as the All Love Retreats, yet sinking into more quiet deep meditation, especially the Sound of the Soul and Awareness Meditation Participants will enjoy lots of body work as well.
Find Karuna Joy’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Shamanism , Holistic Practitioners, Schools, HypnoCoaching, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Holistic Practitioners , Hypnosis, Pain Management, Akashic Records, Hypnosis Past Life, ThetaHealing, Crystals and Gems, Retreats and Healing Centers, IET®, EFT, SRT,RPT, Readings, Stress Management, Polarity Therapy, Sound Therapy, Events 10/13/22
Renee Sanford
Spirit Pathways
6907 Princess Rd.
Richmond VA 23228
(804) 262 0182
Day, evening and weekend reiki classes available. Hands-on and remote sessions also available. Call or email for more information.
Nannette Morrison
Encor-Echo Effects
1310 Lester Drive
Charlottesville Virginia 22901
An alternative health & wellness center located in Charlottesville, Virginia. We provide our clients with a specifically tailored program based on various alternative health programs, designed to make you feel the best, & actually be the best, that you can be.
Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD., MSc, MA, MHt, DBM, Reiki Master
Alva Wellness Center
Haymarket, VA
(703) 727-0414
LINKED IN Facebook
Sarojini is the founding president of Alva Wellness Center, VA, USA.
Sarojini Alva is a staunch believer of holistic healing. She understands that the true path to optimal health includes wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. Her belief and her passion about natural birthing and Child development have guided her to become a: HypnoBirthing Practitioner, and Trainer, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, and Trainer for HypnoBirthing® Institute.
Sarojini is Master Hypnotherapist and a Master Trainer for National Assoc. of Transpersonal Hypnotherapist (NATH). Sarojini holds Master’s degrees in Human Development, Education, Business Management. She has a Doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology.
Sarojini offers: HypnoBirthing, Hypnotherapy, Master Hypnotherapy, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, HypnoAnesthisia, Reiki workshops in the U.S.A, Canada, Malaysia, UAE, and India. Sarojini has presented at many international conferences and appeared on radio and TV shows. Her healing voice can be heard on her “Harmony Within”, “Reiki – Journey unto Healing”, and other audio recordings.
A nurturing mother, devoted wife and masterful healer, Sarojini blends her wisdom, diverse training and beautiful heart to provide absolutely transformational trainings
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is the original Practitioner training and carries a Gold Seal Approval which is recognized in 45 countries. The Gold Seal Approval assures the general public that the practitioner is of the highest standing and has passed their certification review and has agreed to the Codes of Ethics and Standards as set out by the HypnoBirthing® Institute. It is the most comprehensive program available and as such is recognized as the leading program here in the US.
Available To Doctors, Doulas, Midwives, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physicians Assistants, Healthcare Providers, Women’s Health Physiotherapists, Childbirth Educators, Hypnotherapists, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists, And All Others With An Interest In Maternal Health And Birthing.
Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD., MSc, MA, MHt, DBM, Reiki Master (RMT)
Sarojini Alva – (703) 727-0414
Email & Booking: sarojinialva@sarojinialva.com
See Sarojini’s Class Flyers: A Day of Reiki Learning, Reiki I Flyer March 23rd 2019, HypnoBirthing, Hypno_cert_flyer_Haymarket_26thApril18,
Find Sarojini’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: HypnoBirthing, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, Fertility – Natural, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA Eastern, Hypnosis, Hypnosis – Fertility, Natural Childbirth, Pain Management, Meditation,
Find Sarojini’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Events 4/18
LINKED IN Twitter Facebook
Patricia’s goal is to help people help themselves to a healthier, more rewarding life. She is the owner of Starchaser Healing Arts and Starchaser Integrated Coaching and Energy Healing through which she offers sessions on Integrated Coaching, energy healing sessions, or both. She offers Classes, workshops and public speaking on personal growth and development, energy healing, shamanic practice and Aromatherapy. She works virtually and through several spas and centers in NW Washington,DC and southern MD.
Patricia is a certified coach, Reiki Master/Teacher in Eastern and Western Usui, Sekhem Seichim (SSR), Karuna and Gendai Reiki. She is also a Master/Instructor of IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, a ThetaHealing, Shamanism practitioner, a registered Professional Aromatherapist and a Meditation Instructor. Patricia teaches certification Classes in all of her healing modalities, conducts many short workshops and presentations on healing for practitioners and the general public (e.g., getting unstuck; work-life balance; getting in touch with inner awareness, Aromatherapy for energy work, meditative practice. She enjoys customizing presentations and workshops to meet the interests and needs of different groups of people, and she loves to Blog and make audio recordings.
“I liked the gentle yet firm assistance that Patricia provided when guiding me to/through revealing moments of self-discovery. It was amazing since I was not consciously aware of some things I was holding on to and needed to release. Also, I did not realize that a few coaching sessions would produce such pivotal results.”
– BV, Baltimore, MD
See more Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
Find Patricia’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Aromatherapy, Integrated Coaching, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Shamanism , ThetaHealing 4/4/17
Kayama Bliss
520 46th St SE
Washington DC 20019
I offer Reiki Session for donations, not a set fee. I am also available to volunteer at clinical/hospital settings. I am also a minister, ordained by the Universal Life Church in Modesto, California. I am non-denominational and non-judgmental. I offer Spirit-guided counseling to all, regardless of religious or personal lifestyle beliefs.
Laurel Dakan
Reiki Master
548 Beechurst Ave.
Morgantown WV 26505
Reiki sessions available by appointment. Massage therapist also on site. Reiki classes and attunements for all levels available. Reasonable fees, near downtown Morgantown.
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