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Aromatherapy Products Books Crystals, Jewelry Dowsing Drums Essential Oils Fountains Herbs Holistic Remedies
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Books See Also Authors
Linda-Anne Kahn
Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center Book NOW!!
3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
858-457-0191 ext. 14
Aromatic Wellness Warrior.com www.pamperyou.com Linda Anne Kahn – Amazon Linda Anne Kahn – Facebook
Linda Anne Kahn – LinkedIn Linda Anne Kahn – YELP
Linda-Anne Kahn is a Clinical Aromatherapist, Owner and Founder of Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center. She has over 22 years experience in Aromatherapy and healing. She specializes in custom blending of essential oils and has helped 1000’s of clients and patients over the years. She specializes in Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Color therapy, Lastone massage, Wellness Therapies like : Slimming Therapies, Nutritional Consults, SpaAroma Detox, and 21 Day Purification, Natural Detox Program and skin care. With her expertise and care she combines many modalities to assist creating balance and harmony into peoples lives. Linda-Anne teaches a certification Aromatherapy Class to health professionals, estheticians and massage therapists. Book NOW!! SHOP Products NOW!!
Find Linda-Anne’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page , Authors, Aromatherapy, Products and Supplies, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Massage Therapy , Lyme Therapies, Radio Shows
Videos: Linda Ann Kahn Aromatherapy See Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials See Products and Supplies 6/1/18
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Andrea Lehr
Raven Crystals
Los Angeles, CA 818-585-1469
Offering Crystals, Energy, Spirit and Earth healing work for People and Animals —Energy Energy Workers for People and Animals Animal Health, Reiki – Reiki and healing sessions, Polarity Polarity Therapy, Hospice and Transition End of Life, Transition Hospice Support, Divination Readings, Mediums, Psychics, Small Animal Massage and Bodywork Animal Health,
Reiki , Equine Equine Health, Reiki, Healing , Home and Environmental Clearing Property Clearing, Healing with Stones and Crystals (see www.ravencrystals.com), Crystal Healing Grids, Medicine Pouches Healing Grids Cryst
als and Gems, Intuitive art work, animal totems, dream catchers and Crystal Points spirit sticks and wands Elemental Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils Artwork and Jewelry Crystals an
d Gems, Products and Supplies. Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Reiki USA West Coast certified through the International Center for Reiki Training Schools, and the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist Animal Health, Reiki Equine Health, Reiki, Healing . On my path as a Reiki Master Teacher Schools , I experienced the miracles manifested in healing gifts in our world. My work is integrated and intuitive, using sound, vision,
crystals and natural elements Earth Healing with the energy of Reiki, Reiki USA West Coast . My interest in healing stones began when I first became a Reiki – Reiki USA West Coast practitioner and Energy Worker. As my collection of Crystals and Stones grew, and grew, I envisioned sharing them and www.ravencrystals.com appeared. I began purchasing Stones, studying their healing properties Stone. and found Crystals and Stones with amazin
g back stories connecting people and the synchronicities of Stones. At .www.ravencrystals.com, there are Crystal Sales and Discounts, many different Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils, with Tumbled and Polished Stones, and Products – incl. Medicine Bags, Jewelry, etc, and Crystal Carvings incl. Eggs, Spheres etc, and Crystal Information, incl Chakras, etc. Come by and Explore!
Find Andrea’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Earth Healing Products and Supplies Holistic Practitioners, Reiki USA West Coast , Animal Health, Reiki Crystals and Gems, Schools, Readings Polarity Therapy Property Clearing Hospice Support Equine Health, Reiki, Healing Mediums, Psychics, Animal Communication, End of Life, Transition 6/18
Crystals, Jewelry See Also Crystals and Gems
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Andrea Lehr
Raven Crystals
Los Angeles, CA 818-585-1469
Offering Crystals, Energy, Spirit and Earth healing work for People and Animals —Energy Energy Workers for People and Animals Animal Health, Reiki – Reiki and healing sessions, Polarity Polarity Therapy, Hospice and Transition End of Life, Transition Hospice Support, Divination Readings, Mediums, Psychics, Small Animal Massage and Bodywork Animal Health,
Reiki , Equine Equine Health, Reiki, Healing , Home and Environmental Clearing Property Clearing, Healing with Stones and Crystals (see www.ravencrystals.com), Crystal Healing Grids, Medicine Pouches Healing Grids Cryst
als and Gems, Intuitive art work, animal totems, dream catchers and Crystal Points spirit sticks and wands Elemental Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils Artwork and Jewelry Crystals an
d Gems, Products and Supplies. Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Reiki USA West Coast certified through the International Center for Reiki Training Schools, and the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist Animal Health, Reiki Equine Health, Reiki, Healing . On my path as a Reiki Master Teacher Schools , I experienced the miracles manifested in healing gifts in our world. My work is integrated and intuitive, using sound, vision,
crystals and natural elements Earth Healing with the energy of Reiki, Reiki USA West Coast . My interest in healing stones began when I first became a Reiki – Reiki USA West Coast practitioner and Energy Worker. As my collection of Crystals and Stones grew, and grew, I envisioned sharing them and www.ravencrystals.com appeared. I began purchasing Stones, studying their healing properties Stone. and found Crystals and Stones with amazin
g back stories connecting people and the synchronicities of Stones. At .www.ravencrystals.com, there are Crystal Sales and Discounts, many different Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils, with Tumbled and Polished Stones, and Products – incl. Medicine Bags, Jewelry, etc, and Crystal Carvings incl. Eggs, Spheres etc, and Crystal Information, incl Chakras, etc. Come by and Explore!
Find Andrea’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Earth Healing Products and Supplies Holistic Practitioners, Reiki USA West Coast , Animal Health, Reiki Crystals and Gems, Schools, Readings Polarity Therapy Property Clearing Hospice Support Equine Health, Reiki, Healing Mediums, Psychics, Animal Communication, End of Life, Transition 6/18
Dowsing See Also Schools, Dowsings and Clearings, Property Clearings, Radionics,
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Drums See Also Shamanism, Native American,
Cedar Mountain Drums/ Community
2237 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214
Cedar Mountain Drums offers a large selection of products for sale in their retail store. These same products are available by mail and through their web site. In addition to the items for sale Cedar Mountain Drums provides a
location for community interaction. See their listing under schools for more information on workshops, drumming circles and classes.
Products available for sale include: ready made drums in various materials and sizes, drum kits, flute kits,
rattle kits, ready made rattles and flutes, turtle shell rattles, ceremonial drums, smudge, smudge fans, talking sticks, jewelry, dreamcatchers, music, books, and greeting cards. Call, write or contact them for a complete catalog and price list. If you happen to be in the Portland area stop in, it is a great little store.
Essential Oils See Also Aromatherapy
Bright Star Consulting Services
Irma Kaye Sawyer
P.O. Box 1846
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Welcome to Bright Star Consulting Services!
Irma Kaye Sawyer – Amazon Page
Bright Start Consulting Services on Facebook
Irma Kaye Sawyer – on Instagram
Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. Free information sent per your request.
Irma Kaye Sawyer has been a Holistic Practitioner since 1992 using the modalities of massage therapy, Reiki USA West Coast energy healing, and Shamanism Healing and Counseling. She is a group leader in the Distant Healing Network, a volunteer Internet healing service. Irma is certified in Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Reiki USA West Coast — Reiki Healing and Thought Field Therapy. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and has taught in the United States and abroad. She is certified with the IARP.org International Association of Reiki Professionals and is a member of the Shamanism Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Shamanic Healing sessions including Soul Retrieval, Extraction and Power Animal Retrieval are available, as well as Reiki healing sessions in person or at a distance. Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Aromatherapy Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. She also teaches Empath Empowerment Mastery Class and has been a guest on Blog Talk Radio .
Realize the Bright Star that you are. I welcome your inquiry.
Find Irma K.’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here:: Front Page , Authors Akashic Records Aromatherapy, Shamanism, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA W Coast Products and Supplies Radio Shows Polarity Therapy Energy Workers
Videos: Irma K Sawyer ‘Aquarian Empath Healing’ Radio Shows: Irma K Sawyer on Blog Talk Radio (See Flower Essence Article by Irma K. Sawyer) See Products and Supplies 4/1/18
Linda-Anne Kahn
Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center Book NOW!!
3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
858-457-0191 ext. 14
Aromatic Wellness Warrior.com www.pamperyou.com Linda Anne Kahn – Amazon Linda Anne Kahn – Facebook
Linda Anne Kahn – LinkedIn Linda Anne Kahn – YELP
Linda-Anne Kahn is a Clinical Aromatherapist, Owner and Founder of Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center. She has over 22 years experience in Aromatherapy and healing. She specializes in custom blending of essential oils and has helped 1000’s of clients and patients over the years. She specializes in Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Color therapy, Lastone massage, Wellness Therapies like : Slimming Therapies, Nutritional Consults, SpaAroma Detox, and 21 Day Purification, Natural Detox Program and skin care. With her expertise and care she combines many modalities to assist creating balance and harmony into peoples lives. Linda-Anne teaches a certification Aromatherapy Class to health professionals, estheticians and massage therapists. Book NOW!! SHOP Products NOW!!
Find Linda-Anne’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page , Authors, Aromatherapy, Products and Supplies, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Massage Therapy , Lyme Therapies, Radio Shows
Videos: Linda Ann Kahn Aromatherapy See Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials See Products and Supplies 6/1/18
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Herbs See Also Herbalists
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Holistic Remedies See Also Holistic Practitioners
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Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Self-Hypnosis CD’s See Also Hypnosis
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