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Bright Star Consulting Services
Irma Kaye Sawyer
P.O. Box 1846
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
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Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. Free information sent per your request.
Irma Kaye Sawyer has been a Holistic Practitioner since 1992 using the modalities of massage therapy, Reiki USA West Coast energy healing, and Shamanism Healing and Counseling. She is a group leader in the Distant Healing Network, a volunteer Internet healing service. Irma is certified in Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Reiki USA West Coast — Reiki Healing and Thought Field Therapy. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and has taught in the United States and abroad. She is certified with the IARP.org International Association of Reiki Professionals and is a member of the Shamanism Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Shamanic Healing sessions including Soul Retrieval, Extraction and Power Animal Retrieval are available, as well as Reiki healing sessions in person or at a distance. Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Aromatherapy Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. She also teaches Empath Empowerment Mastery Class and has been a guest on Blog Talk Radio .
Realize the Bright Star that you are. I welcome your inquiry.
Find Irma K.’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here:: Front Page , Authors Akashic Records Aromatherapy, Shamanism, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA W Coast Products and Supplies Radio Shows Polarity Therapy Energy Workers
Videos: Irma K Sawyer ‘Aquarian Empath Healing’ Radio Shows: Irma K Sawyer on Blog Talk Radio (See Flower Essence Article by Irma K. Sawyer) See Products and Supplies 4/1/18
Linda-Anne Kahn
Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center Book NOW!!
3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
858-457-0191 ext. 14
Aromatic Wellness Warrior.com www.pamperyou.com Linda Anne Kahn – Amazon Linda Anne Kahn – Facebook
Linda Anne Kahn – LinkedIn Linda Anne Kahn – YELP
Linda-Anne Kahn is a Clinical Aromatherapist, Owner and Founder of Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center. She has over 22 years experience in Aromatherapy and healing. She specializes in custom blending of essential oils and has helped 1000’s of clients and patients over the years. She specializes in Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Color therapy, Lastone massage, Wellness Therapies like : Slimming Therapies, Nutritional Consults, SpaAroma Detox, and 21 Day Purification, Natural Detox Program and skin care. With her expertise and care she combines many modalities to assist creating balance and harmony into peoples lives. Linda-Anne teaches a certification Aromatherapy Class to health professionals, estheticians and massage therapists. Book NOW!! SHOP Products NOW!!
Find Linda-Anne’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page , Authors, Aromatherapy, Products and Supplies, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Massage Therapy , Lyme Therapies, Radio Shows
Videos: Linda Ann Kahn Aromatherapy See Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials See Products and Supplies 6/1/18
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Elizabeth Anglin
Madrid, NM
Elizabeth Anglin on Amazon Elizabeth Anglin on Facebook
Elizabeth provides practical Animal Communication and energy healing Emotion Code Clearing for horses, cats and dogs and other animals in your home or rescue organization. A veterinary intuitive Psychic Readings, remote viewer, and evidential Spirit Medium Elizabeth has the ability to see, feel and hear specific information about your animal’s physical body and spiritual path. Elizabeth has been a Traditional Usui Reiki Master and Animal Communication since 1994, a Remote Viewer and Evidential Spirit Medium since 1997, and an [Equine Services] Equine Massage Practitioner since 2002. She offers intuitive Psychic Readings and energy healing sessions for people as well as pets through her website ElizabethAnglin.com Elizabeth also hosts Cosmic Passport, an intuitive/paranormal talk show. She is the author of “Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood“ available on Amazon.
Cindy B. says: My reading with Elizabeth was such a comfort to me. My son just recently went to heaven and being able to connect with him has helped. I am sure I will be contacting her again and recommending her to family and friends Book Now!
Find Elizabeth’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Authors Animal Health, Animal Communication, Akashic Records, Reiki – USA West, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Radio Shows 4/16/18