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Tim Horn, PhD.
Hypnoconsult LLC
9255 Center Street, Ste 406
Manassas, VA 20110
Holistic Hypnosis Training LINKED IN
Facebook – HypnoConsultLLC
Facebook – Holistic Hypnosis Training
Tim Horn is a Consulting Hypnotist practicing in Northern Virginia since 1993. He runs a successful hypnosis and training center in Manassas, VA. Tim is the only National Guild of Hypnotist’s (NGH) Board Certified and Certified Instructor – NGH Hypnosis Certification Course in Prince William County, in addition to being a highly skilled hypnotist.
During the past twenty years, Tim has completed additional certifications in Pain Management , Sleep Improvement, Smoking Cessation, Pediatric Hypnosis, Ultra Height and Working in the Esdaile State – See Events – The Simpson Protocol by Tim Horn, PhD. The Simpson Protocol. He specializes in smoking cessation, sleep improvement, Study Improvement, Stress Management, Pain Management and dealing with individual fears. Tim began his study of hypnosis after using it to overcome panic disorders, so he is fully aware of the power of the human mind and has spent the past two decades using that knowledge to help others. Tim combines his passions to both hold NGH Certification Classes – NGH Hypnosis Certification Course and Holistic Hypnosis classes for those interested in mind management as a hobby or a profession.
Tim is also a faculty member for the NGH Summer Convention, and teaches a class on Stress Management and Sleep Improvement
Hypno Consult and Holistic Hypnosis Training
Since 1993, Tim Horn has practiced as a consulting hypnotist in Northern Virginia, where he resides and operates a successful hypnosis and training center. He is the only National Guild of Hypnotist’s (NGH) Board Certified and Certified Instructor in Prince William County, VA. A former public school teacher for twenty years as well as an adult educator, Tim works with clients of all ages on weight, stress and pain management, smoking cessation, anxiety, phobias, limiting beliefs and more. He also teaches NGH Certification Classes. Learn how Tim can help you succeed in reaching your personal and/or professional goals. Schedule a free, introductory call now.
- “I had the good fortune to try hypnosis, after unsuccessfully trying biofeedback, acupuncture, a spinal stimulator, and a wide variety of medications prescribed for chronic pain. Tim’s attentiveness and responsiveness, his demeanor, upbeat attitude, and humor all contributed to my progress as I went through a painful and challenging recovery, with several hospitalizations causing setbacks along the way, Tim was unfailingly cheerful and positive, and very concerned about my pain level.”
See more Testimonials here: Tim Horn, PhD. Testimonials
Find Tim’s Books on Amazon: “Skies Wide Open: How to Teach Your Child to Dream Big and Love Learning“
Find Tim Horn, PhD. Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page Video, Amazon, Pain Management, Hypnosis Articles, Stress Management, Events, Schools, Hypnosis, Speakers Bureau, Hypnosis – Virtual Gastric Band, Sleep Improvement Hypnosis – Nail Biting Hypnosis – Smoking Weight Loss Hypnosis – Sports
(See Hypnosis Articles by Tim Horn, PhD.) (See Events by Tim Horn, PhD.) 3/1/18