Healing Arts Network is not making any recommendation about particular types of practices or specific practitioners. The information published here was given to us by the practitioners who may pay a fee to us for their listing. It is your responsibility, as with any personal service, to evaluate the qualifications of the practitioners. You may want to ask for references and/or meet with the practitioner to evaluate your reaction to the person and discuss what he/she has to say about how they can help you, as well as to discuss costs and duration of services.
Energy Workers
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Practitioners Get Listed Here!
Andrea Lehr
Raven Crystals
Los Angeles, CA 818-585-1469
Raven Crystals – Twitter Raven Crystals – Facebook
Raven Crystals – Instagram Raven Crystals – Pinterest
Offering Crystals, Energy, Spirit and Earth healing work for People and Animals —Energy Energy Workers for People and Animals Animal Health, Reiki – Reiki and healing sessions, Polarity Polarity Therapy, Hospice and Transition End of Life, Transition Hospice Support, Divination Readings, Mediums, Psychics, Small Animal Massage and Bodywork Animal Health, Reiki , Equine Equine Health, Reiki, Healing , Home and Environmental Clearing Property Clearing, Healing with Stones and Crystals (see www.ravencrystals.com), Crystal Healing Grids, Medicine Pouches Healing Grids Crystals and Gems, Intuitive art work, animal totems, dream catchers and Crystal Points spirit sticks and wands Elemental Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils Artwork and Jewelry Crystals an
d Gems, Products and Supplies.
Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Reiki USA West Coast certified through the International Center for Reiki Training Schools, and the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist Animal Health, Reiki Equine Health, Reiki, Healing . On my path as a Reiki Master Teacher Schools , I experienced the miracles manifested in healing gifts in our world. My work is integrated and intuitive, using sound, vision, crystals and natural elements Earth Healing with the energy of Reiki, Reiki USA West Coast . My interest in healing stones began when I first became a Reiki – Reiki USA West Coast practitioner and Energy Worker. As my collection of Crystals and Stones grew, and grew, I envisioned sharing them and www.ravencrystals.com appeared. I began purchasing Stones, studying their healing properties Stone. and found Crystals and Stones with amazin
g back stories connecting people and the synchronicities of Stones. At .www.ravencrystals.com, there are Crystal Sales and Discounts, many different Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils, with Tumbled and Polished Stones, and Products – incl. Medicine Bags, Jewelry, etc, and Crystal Carvings incl. Eggs, Spheres etc, and Crystal Information, incl Chakras, etc. Come by and Explore!
Find Andrea’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Earth Healing Products and Supplies Holistic Practitioners, Reiki USA West Coast , Animal Health, Reiki Crystals and Gems, Schools, Readings Polarity Therapy Property Clearing Hospice Support Equine Health, Reiki, Healing Mediums, Psychics, Animal Communication, End of Life, Transition 6/18
Bright Star Consulting Services
Irma Kaye Sawyer
P.O. Box 1846
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Welcome to Bright Star Consulting Services!
Irma Kaye Sawyer – Amazon Page
Bright Start Consulting Services on Facebook
Irma Kaye Sawyer – on Instagram
Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. Free information sent per your request.
Irma Kaye Sawyer has been a Holistic Practitioner since 1992 using the modalities of massage therapy, Reiki USA West Coast energy healing, and Shamanism Healing and Counseling. She is a group leader in the Distant Healing Network, a volunteer Internet healing service. Irma is certified in Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Reiki USA West Coast — Reiki Healing and Thought Field Therapy. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and has taught in the United States and abroad. She is certified with the IARP.org International Association of Reiki Professionals and is a member of the Shamanism Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Shamanic Healing sessions including Soul Retrieval, Extraction and Power Animal Retrieval are available, as well as Reiki healing sessions in person or at a distance. Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Aromatherapy Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. She also teaches Empath Empowerment Mastery Class and has been a guest on Blog Talk Radio .
Realize the Bright Star that you are. I welcome your inquiry.
Find Irma K.’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here:: Front Page , Authors Akashic Records Aromatherapy, Shamanism, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA W Coast Products and Supplies Radio Shows Polarity Therapy Energy Workers
Videos: Irma K Sawyer ‘Aquarian Empath Healing’ Radio Shows: Irma K Sawyer on Blog Talk Radio (See Flower Essence Article by Irma K. Sawyer) See Products and Supplies 4/1/18
Md/DC Area
Patricia – Starchaser – LinkedIn Patricia – Starchaser – YELP

Patricia is a certified coach, Reiki Master/Teacher in Eastern and Western Usui, Sekhem Seichim (SSR), Karuna and Gendai Reiki. She is also a Master/Instructor of IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, a ThetaHealing, Shamanism practitioner, a registered Professional Aromatherapist and a Meditation Instructor. Patricia teaches certification Classes in all of her healing modalities, conducts many short workshops and presentations on healing for practitioners and the general public (e.g., getting unstuck; work-life balance; getting in touch with inner awareness, Aromatherapy for energy work, meditative practice. She enjoys customizing presentations and workshops to meet the interests and needs of different groups of people, and she loves to Blog and make audio recordings.
“I liked the gentle yet firm assistance that Patricia provided when guiding me to/through revealing moments of self-discovery. It was amazing since I was not consciously aware of some things I was holding on to and needed to release. Also, I did not realize that a few coaching sessions would produce such pivotal results.”
– BV, Baltimore, MD
See more Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
Find Patricia’s Events Here: Healing Arts Network – Events Find Patricia’s Reiki Shares Here: Healing Arts Network – Reiki, Healing Shares
Find Patricia’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Aromatherapy, Integrated Coaching, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Shamanism , ThetaHealing Holy Fire Reiki and Karuna Reiki Master 4/4/17
Elizabeth Anglin
Madrid, NM
Elizabeth Anglin on Amazon Elizabeth Anglin on Facebook
Elizabeth provides practical Animal Communication and energy healing Emotion Code Clearing for horses, cats and dogs and other animals in your home or rescue organization. A veterinary intuitive Psychic Readings, remote viewer, and evidential Spirit Medium Elizabeth has the ability to see, feel and hear specific information about your animal’s physical body and spiritual path. Elizabeth has been a Traditional Usui Reiki Master and Animal Communication since 1994, a Remote Viewer and Evidential Spirit Medium since 1997, and an [Equine Services] Equine Massage Practitioner since 2002. She offers intuitive Psychic Readings and energy healing sessions for people as well as pets through her website ElizabethAnglin.com Elizabeth also hosts Cosmic Passport, an intuitive/paranormal talk show. She is the author of “Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood“ available on Amazon.
Cindy B. says: My reading with Elizabeth was such a comfort to me. My son just recently went to heaven and being able to connect with him has helped. I am sure I will be contacting her again and recommending her to family and friends Book Now!
Find Elizabeth’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Authors Animal Health, Animal Communication, Akashic Records, Reiki – USA West, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Radio Shows 4/16/18
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Hambrock Holistic Healing Center
Dr. Connie Hambrock, Director
Friendsville, TN LINKED IN
Hambrock Holistic – Twitter Hambrock Holistic – Facebook
Hambrock Holistic – Instagram
Are you looking to release stress, relieve pain, transform your prospective? Want to become calmer and more comfortable within your self ? We invite you to shed your old way of being. Come be rejuvenated, and revitalized, become a renewed, stronger feeling you. At Hambrock Holistic Healing Center we are a team of practitioners that have a Holistic Health approach to individual and Family health, pregnancy and wellness.
Call to set up an appointment for an Integrated Massage Therapy in Herndon,
Pregnancy Massage, Infant Massage, Infant CranioSacral, Sports Massage, DeepTissue and Trigger point therapy,Therapeutic Massage,CranioSacral Therapy, CranioSacral for Concussion, Lymphatic Drainage. Life Success Coaching, Stress Management, Raindrop Therapy (with YLEssential Oils), Foot Detox, Hambrock Rainbow Technique, Weight Management, Sports Improvement, Energy Healing work in Herndon, HealingTouch, Reiki(energy)work, Crystal Healing and attunements. Diamond Immersion. Jewelry and Stones Hypnosis in Herndon, HypnoFertility, Medi-spa Services, Aromatherapy. Therapies using Young Living Essential Oils, Organic Virgin Coconut oil.
We have Himalayan Salt lamps & products for sale. Healing Stone Jewelry for sale.
- “Connie has been a life-saver for my mother of 87 yrs. For the past three years she has been providing positively wonderful treatments twice a week … that have greatly increased Mom’s quality of life. Mom had given up on life before Connie!” November 15, 2009
- Ron Boggs Top qualities: Great Results , Personable , Good Value Book Now!
See Connie’s Hypnosis Articles See Connie’s Massage Articles See Connie’s Events
Find Connie’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Aromatherapy, Coaching, Doulas, HypnoBirthing, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA Eastern , Hypno Fertility, Stress Management, Pain Management ,Hypnosis Holistic Practitioners Natural Childbirth, Massage Therapy , Hypnosis – NLP, Detox Natural, Animal Health, Reiki, Healing Touch Cranial Sacral 5/20/2021
Brigitte Wiss
Certified Holistic Reflexologist
110 Pleasant St, NW, Vienna, VA
Fairfax, VA
FeetforHealth@gmail.com Reflexology and Beyond.com
LINKED IN Brigitte Wiss – Facebook 
Brigitte Wiss is a Certified Holistic Reflexologist. She is available for sessions in Vienna, VA, and she also does house calls. See Reflexology and Beyond.com. for more info, pricing, etc. Brigitte is also certified in Usui Reiki, Energy Workers, Theta Healing , EFT EFT , EMOTrance, Touch for Health and more, see her website Reflexology and Beyond.com/About Brigitte. She is available for sessions in Vienna and
also home visits. NOT YOUR TYPICAL REFLEXOLOGIST!! Brigitte has 200 hours+ certified training in just reflexology! Brigitte has many testimonials from the many years she’s been in business, and many satisfied clients, see Reflexology and Beyond.com/Testimonials
Testimonials – “Brigitte has magic hands!” — T.D. Vienna, VA
The sessions with Brigitte are better than with any other reflexologist I’ve seen before. Not only does she make my feet feel great, my entire body feels better. She ends the session with energy work that keeps me feeling energized for several days afterwards. She is more than a reflexologist, she is a healer.
K.M. August 2015
See more testimonials at Reflexology and Beyond.com/About Brigitte.
Find Brigitte’s other Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Theta Healing Reflexologists, Energy Workers, IET, EFT, SRT, RPT Touch for Health 6/18/18
Style Requisite Beauty Salon
2715 Buford Rd. Richmond, VA, 23235
LINKED IN Monika Trevillian – Facebook
Take Control of Your Life! Let your life, and, Let Yourself Blossom! and create the life YOU really want! I can assist you on your journey! Life is never as hard as it seems, and having Life Coach Sessions with a Certified Life Coach who understands and helps you along the way, can be really very helpful indeed. Let me help you to Design your Life and to discover your greatest self! I am your certified Personal Life Coach, an Energy Worker and I’m also trained and certified Usui Reiki II Practitioner. Enjoy a relaxing Reiki Session session as well as an informative and very supportive Life Coach session and destress Stress Management at the same time! In person sessions at Style Requisite Beauty Salon, and also Skype conferences available.
Find Monika’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Coaching, Energy Workers, Reiki USA Eastern, Stress Management 5/1/18
Hypnosis, Reflexology, Healing and Reiki Classes & Sessions
Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, C.NLP
Board Certified Hypnotist
Health For Life, LLC
NGH Certified Instructor (CI) Linked In
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certfied Reflexologist and IET® Master Instructor
Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
703-851-7954 HealthCoach095@gmail.com
VIRTUAL SESSIONS www.Hypnosis-Virginia.com
Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis Read More!
Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, C.NLP, CI is a Board Certified Hypnotist, transpersonal, trained by ARE and Atlantic University (MA in Transpersonal Studies, with a Specialization in Applied Spirituality from AU)
– Certified Reflexologist, Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and NGH and IET Certified Instructor
- She offers Hypnosis sessions for: Weight Loss Hypnosis,
- Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis, Hot Flashes , Sleep, Fertility Hypnosis, HypnoBirthing , Reiki Sessions, Past Life Hypnosis,
- Akashic Records, The Fertile Body Method Hypnosis, Stress Management and more.
She also offers Zyto BioScans – Zyto BioTechnology.
- Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation –
Hypnosis – Smoking Read More!
- She also uses Aromatherapy (Essential Oils) and teaches self-hypnosis, mindfulness, Meditation.
Certified Training Classes – VIRTUAL (Nursing CE’s available)
- NGH Certified Hypnosis (9 days) and IHF Certified Hypnosis (5 Days)
- Usui /Holy Fire® III Reiki and Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki
- Dowsing
- Practice sessions: Spring Forest QiGong Groups and Reiki. and IET Shares
- Integrated Energy Therapy ( IET®) classes. Reiki, IET Shares ). IET® Classes include: IET Basic, Intermediate & Advanced and IET Steps to Transformation and IET for Pets, and IET Healing Angels of the Field
Helen has been a speaker for the Berkeley Springs, WV Festival of Lights, “The Art of Dowsing – The Power of the Pendulum” and the Pathways Convention in Bethesda, MD.
“Helen was great. She explained in great detail how hypnosis works. She’ll talk to you to understand what you’re actually looking for and she will come up with a plan that is best for you. I’ve been to a few sessions and it has worked wonders.
Thanks!” – DS, Shelby Township, MI
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page Aromatherapy, Animal Health, Reiki, Coaching, Crystals and Gems Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, ThetaHealing HypnoBirthing® , Hypnosis – Fertility, Hypnosis, Natural Childbirth, Akashic Records, Hypnosis Virtual Gastric Band, Hypnosis Past Life, Hypnosis – Smoking Reiki – Holy Fire® & Karuna Reiki Master, Retreats and Healing Centers, Stress Management, Weight Loss, Zyto BioTechnology, Events, Reiki, IET Shares QiGong Groups
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network : Events
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network Articles: Hypnosis Articles 5/21
Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD., MSc, MA, MHt, DBM, Reiki Master
Alva Wellness Center
Haymarket, VA
LINKED IN Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD. – Facebook
Sarojini is the founding president of Alva Wellness Center, VA, USA. Sarojini Alva is a staunch believer of holistic healing and understands the true path to optimal health includes: wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. Her belief and passion on natural birthing and child development guided her in becoming: HypnoBirthing Practitioner, and Trainer, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, and Trainer for HypnoBirthing® Institute.
Sarojini is Master Hypnotherapist and a Master Trainer for National Assoc. of Transpersonal Hypnotherapist (NATH). She holds Master’s degrees in Human Development, Education, Business Management and has a Doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology. Sarojini offers: HypnoBirthing, Hypnotherapy, Master Hypnotherapy, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, HypnoAnesthisia, Reiki workshops in the U.S.A, Canada, Malaysia, UAE, and India. Sarojini has presented at many international conferences and appeared on radio and TV shows. Her healing voice can be heard on her “Harmony Within”, “Reiki – Journey unto Healing”, and other audio recordings. A nurturing mother, devoted wife and masterful healer, Sarojini blends her wisdom, diverse training and beautiful heart to provide absolutely transformational trainings
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is the original Practitioner training and carries a Gold Seal Approval which is recognized in 45 countries. It is the most comprehensive program available and as such is recognized as the leading program here in the US.
Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD., MSc, MA, MHt, DBM, Reiki Master (RMT)
Sarojini Alva – 703-727-0414 Email & Booking: sarojinialva@sarojinialva.com
Find Sarojini’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: HypnoBirthing, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA Eastern, Hypnosis, Natural Childbirth, Pain Management
Find Sarojini’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Events 4/1/18
Shedding Light Immortal Visions
Zak Fetzner, CCH, CRM
Kenosha, WI
Zak Fetzner – Yahoo Zak Fetzner – Pinterest
Zak Fetzner – LinkedIn Zak Fetzner – YELP Zak Fetzner – Facebook
Zak Fetzner is an Energy Worker, Certified Consulting Hypnotist (CCH), Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Holy Fire® Reiki, and Theta Healing Practitioner, a minister/reverend, and is trained in QiGong healing and IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy. He presently resides in Kenosha Wisconsin, but he frequently returns to Virginia for more training and to work with his clients there.
Zak helps clients using Hypnosis with smoking, fears, and sadness, as well as Hypno Coaching, and his healing work in Theta Healing. A hypnosis session can last up to an hour and there are packages for smoking cessation. Clients have noted increased memory, confidence and a broader understanding of their inner self.
Reiki sessions can also help clients with their creative talents and peace, harmony. Zak is a Holy Fire® Reiki Master, which is the teacher level. Theta Healing sessions are 30 minutes long, and are done in a seated position. IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy sessions can also be 30 minutes or even 5 minutes, and long distance like Reiki. It works with Angels of the field, especially AA Ariel.
“Zachery does a wonderful job at holding space and helping create an intentional and supportive environment for whatever you may need. Highly recommended.” – Brendon C. – Masonville, London, Canada
“An amazing spiritual experience! Definitely worth checking out.” – Jason G. – Sudley Springs, VA
“He was impressive with his hypnosis, reiki and theta healing. I have done it lots before and finally had a good expereince with him. – Zak K. – Springfield, VA
Find Zak’s other Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Theta Healing, Energy Workers, Reiki Central USA, Holy Fire® Reiki, Hypnosis Past Life , Hypnosis, QiGong IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy 7/22/19
Practitioners Get Listed Here!
Practitioners Get Listed Here!
Linda-Anne Kahn
Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center Book NOW!!
3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
858-457-0191 ext. 14
Aromatic Wellness Warrior.com www.pamperyou.com
Aromatherapy School/Courses – https://aromaticwellnesswarrior.com/training-seminars/ 10/24
We may earn money or products from the
companies mentioned on this website and in our posts.
Please visit our other sites –
Healing Arts Network (HAN) is a listing service for healing arts practitioners. HAN is not making any recommendations neither about practices, nor pracititioners, as it is only a listing website. It is only published ads and or web listings for the practitioners who pay a fee, or sometimes list free for a given time, as allowed by HAN management. IT IS YOUR (CLIENT’S) RESPONSIBILITY to evaluate practitioners, i.e., request references, discuss their costs and their services, meet with them, and/or speak with them regarding how and if they can assist you. IT IS YOUR DECISION AS THE CLIENT to decide who you choose to do business with, and which practitioners you determine are best to fit your own personal needs. Healing Arts Network and Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt as HAN’s Manager, can not make these decisions for you and will not.
NO HEALTH CLAIMS ARE MADE and user (client) accepts all responsibility and any associated risks, and FREELY chooses their own practitioners, remedies and/or therapies. Ads and listings on this Healing Arts Network website are paid by practitioners, and in some cases, they are free listings offered to them.
Any information, comments, and/or suggestions made, including Zyto, etc., are NOT necessarily the opinion of Helen Bramow and or Health for Life, LLC or Hypnosis-Virginia.com. Helen Bramow, MA, BCH, MHt is NOT medical, and neither diagnoses, treats, nor prescribes anything. No course, service, or product offered by Health for Life, LLC or its duly authorized representatives and/or websites is intended in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference, to be a substitute or replacement for professional medical care.
There are NO guarantees and NO refunds on any service or product.